Aylsham Flower Club Marquee

The Aylsham Flower Club was started 70 years ago by a group of ladies who were passionate about flowers, and this is still the case today.

They are affiliated to the National Association of Flower Arrangers and they meet in Aylsham Town Hall on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm for an evening of fun, friendship and flowers.

They have a demonstrator who comes and gives a talk and demonstration of flower arranging twice a year, and they also have a hands-on evening where they all bring their own flowers and have a go.

The Club also arranges trips to local gardens.

They have Members who have been successful at Chelsea Flower Show and other Flower Shows.

Many of their members help out at local flower festivals, and the big display at the Aylsham Show.

The Aylsham Flower Club are great supporters of the Aylsham Show and have had their own marquee at the Event for many years. They raise monies each year for a different charitable organisation. Their nominated charity for 2024 is:  Big C Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. 

They would be pleased to welcome new members, and if you are interested come along to the Town Hall in Aylsham Market Place, or ring Crystal Dyball  –  01603 291190.

The Aylsham Flower Club Marquee is kindly sponsored by M R Ellis (Timber) Ltd, Hevingham.