Food Market Applications

How to Apply

For 2025, we will again have a Food Market with all outside stands who will supply their own gazebo/marquee. It is likely to be in a different location for 2025 moving up to where the fun fair was.

There will be a specific entrance into the Food Market with clearly marked signage, and again some buggies will operate exclusively from the Main Admissions Gate to the Food Market Area.

You will be advised of your stand location in good time by Charlotte Gurney, Head Steward.   

All Food Market applications must be made online.

The closing date for Applications is Monday 18th August 2025 after which a Late Entry Fee of £75 will apply, if still accepted.

To make an application, fill in the form below and click Submit application.

Payment and booking confirmation

No payment is taken at this stage. When you click Submit application you will see confirmation that we have received and are reviewing your application. If your application is accepted we will contact you by email to arrange payment. Once payment is made you will receive a booking confirmation.


If your application is successful, you will receive an invoice by email summarising your Stand costs. Please retain this as your receipt and there is no VAT payable. You will also be emailed a manual invoice. 

Food Hall Stand rules

All Food Hall Stands must comply with the following rules:

  • There are strictly no vehicle movements, without prior permission, on or off the Showground between the hours of 8.00am and 5.30pm on Show day. Your Stand must be fully functional by 8.30am. You are expected to remain with your Stand until 5.30pm.
  • If you are mowing the grass on your stand, you must either dispose of the cuttings off site (to comply with National Trust regulations), and/or the Show will provide a receptacle for disposal on site. Please enquire at the Showground Office as appropriate.
  • Copies of our Safeguarding, and Equality and Diversity Policies are available here. You are asked to comply with them.
  • The information within this application form and supporting documentation is for the sole use of The Aylsham Agricultural Show Association Limited (AASA). Please see our Privacy Policy for full details.
  • All traders are responsible for the fire safety of their own stand and must provide their own firefighting equipment as outlined in Appendix 2.
  • The AASA recommends that Show Exhibitors and Caterers use biodegradable items whenever possible.
  • Traders may be inspected on the day and failure to provide the correct certification as requested in this form may result in you being unable to trade.
  • The Show is legally required to submit a list to Broadland District Council of all Food and Drink Suppliers at the Show. Broadland District Council may then forward this to other Councils as appropriate.

Application Form

Stand costs
Minimum 3 metres frontage and depth
You will provide your own cover
Electric 16amp hook-ups
Please select the number of electric hook-ups you require
Electric 32amp hook-ups
Please select the number of electric hook-ups you require
Is a WiFi connection required?
NB: The WIFI will only work if you have a mobile phone with Bluetooth card reader, or a stand alone card reader with 3/4G which is WIFI enabled. If you only have an older stand alone card reader with 3/4G which is not WIFI enabled, it is not likely to work with the very poor mobile phone signal at Blickling.
Do you require WiFi for a VPN?
For stock control/etc
Do you require WiFi for online EPOS?
For specific selling items/etc
Do you require a 6 x 2ft trestle table?
Additional metre frontage (over 3×3 metres), per metre
Do you then require an additional 6 x 2 ft trestle table?
Food market showground vehicle pass
One Pass will admit the driver and one other adult to the Showground on Show Day before 8am (For deliveries before Show Day, this pass will not be required and you will just report at the Showground Office). On Show Day you will be able to park one vehicle adjacent to the Food Market area.
Late Entry Fee (if applying after 18th August 2025)
Failure to include this for a late application will result in your application being rejected.
Free staff admission tickets
You can have up to two
Additional Other Admission Tickets
Memberships (if required) for Double Ticket
If you would also like to become a Show Member, please select this option. This will give you two additional Admission Tickets and two Members badges.
Total: £

Business information
Booking Guidelines/Terms and Conditions*
Health & hygiene info
Do you have hand washing arrangements?*
Do you have equipment washing arrangements?*
Do you have waste and drainage arrangements?*
Further business information
Insurance policy documents
Do you have employer liability insurance?*
See Booking Guidelines
Do you have product liability insurance?*
See Booking Guidelines
Health and safety
Are you bringing a purpose made Hospitality Unit to the Show?*
Are you bringing any electrical items to the Show?*
If Yes, you will need a valid PAT Testing Certificate for the relevant items, unless the item is still within a manufacturers warranty.
Are you bringing a marquee/gazebo to the Show?*
Will you be bringing a silent running generator, or other power unit which might be part of your catering vehicle or hospitality unit?*
Traders Using LPG – Questions and Information
Are you bringing LPG or equivalent to the Show?*
Do you have an inspection/gas safety certificate for the appliances and pipe work, and are all hose connections made with “crimped” fastenings?*
Are cooking appliances fixed securely on a firm non-combustible heat insulating base and surrounded by shields or similar material on three sides?*
Do the shields provide an adequate and effective barrier of at least 600mm between the heat source and any combustible material?*
Have you ensured that no combustible materials can be blown against, or fall onto the apparatus?*
Are the LPG cylinders kept outside, or within a specific ventilated unit, secured in the upright position and out of the reach of the general public?*
Do you ensure that only those cylinders in use are kept at your unit/stall? *
(Spares should be kept to a minimum and in line with any specific conditions for the event)
Are the gas cylinders readily accessible to enable easy isolation in case of an emergency?*
Are the cylinders located away from entrances, emergency exits and circulation areas?*
Do you ensure that gas supplied is isolated at the cylinder, as well as the appliance when the apparatus is not in use and the appliances are fitted with full flame safety devices on all burners that are not readily visible?*