We are delighted to report that despite substantial rising costs to stage the show, we have been able to donate £15000 to the following local charitable organisations and community groups.
Aylsham Boxing Club
Aylsham Flower Club (Norfolk First Responders)
Aylsham Football Club
Aylsham Rotary Club (Father Christmas Sleigh)
Aylsham Table Tennis Club
East Anglia Childrens Hospices
Food & Farming Discovery Trust
Holt Rugby Football Club
Norfolk Lymphona Group
North Walsham Rugby Football Club
North Walsham Young Farmers Club
Norwich and District Riding for the Disabled
Sainsburys Store North Walsham Fundraising Group (North Norfolk Foodbank)
Anyone Can Run
Aylsham Band
Aylsham Care Trust
Aylsham Community Gym
Aylsham Community Trust (Families) – TACT
Aylsham Heritage Centre
Aylsham Older People Association
Aylsham Recreation Ground (+ Trees Planting)
Aylsham Roman Project
Aylsham St Giles Cricket Club
Aylsham Tennis Club
Aylsham Youth Club
Cawston Community Choir
Emmanuel Church Aylsham
Eves Hill Veg Co
Fishing for Schools
Friends of Erpingham School
Norfolk Churches Trust
Norfolk Hearts Trust
Norfolk Reading Project
North Norfolk Vikings Swimming Club
Priscilla Bacon Hospice Care
Worstead and District Riding for the Disabled
Poul Hovesen, the Retiring President, commented ” it was a great honour to oversee the August Bank Holiday event and paid tribute to the generous support of sponsors, exhibitors, and trade and market lane stallholders who had helped to ensure the continued success of the Show, together with the many volunteers working tirelessly behind the scenes. He said it was with immense pride, that the Aylsham Agricultural Show Association could support so many worthy voluntary, sporting and charitable organisations, and so humbling to hear what they were achieving”
Cheques were presented at The Show AGM at which Roger Long was elected the new President for the 75th Anniversary Show. He commented that this was one of the most proudest moments in his life.